Is there anything common between celestial bodies moving in the universe and protons and neutron moving within atom?

Is there anything common between celestial bodies moving in the universe and protons and neutron moving within atom?

Yes, there is a common relationship between celestial bodies moving in the universe and protons

and neutrons moving within an atom. Both celestial bodies and subatomic particles are

governed by the laws of physics, and both are subject to forces that affect their motion. In the

case of celestial bodies, such as planets, stars, and galaxies, the forces at play include gravity,

which causes them to move in elliptical orbits around larger objects. Similarly, within an atom,

the protons and neutrons are held together by the strong nuclear force, which keeps them

from flying apart, and they are arranged in a specific pattern called the atomic nucleus. Just as

the gravitational force affects the motion of celestial bodies, the strong nuclear force affects

the motion of the protons and neutrons within an atom.

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